This morning I was up at 5 doing some meditation, prayer, and journaling. Got to the gym at 6:40. I started to do chest and realized it still wasn't recovered from a few days ago - I had done a big lift. Also trained back a bit last night. My training has been pretty all over the place lately because of a relationship I was in that was very challenging for me. That is starting to get easier, and I'm thinking it might be time for me to actually start maintaining my training log, seeing as I tell other people that it is a good thing to do.
Cable Crossover
- 3 sets of 15 reps, very light
Back Extensions
- 3 sets, very slow
- I realized that I always pop out of the bottom of these, and when I slowed down, I felt these in the semimembranosus insertion point, which is something I injured a long time ago.
- This is more of a drill. You can load it, I guess.
- Seems like there are better ways to load the muscles, but these are great to teach me how to use my ankle and foot better for running.
- I will probably go for a run this evening.
- Checkout my workouts on Hevy